Hi there!👋


Vikas Padaliya

DevOps | Backend

I am working as DevOps & Backend Engineer

In my experience I've worked on building
APIs, Microservices, Conversational Bot, Serverless WebApps, Cloud Functions.

Writing & Implementing CI/CD, ETL, IaC, Zero Down Time.

Avid Open Source Lover ❤️

Current Interest 🤓

Knowledge Container 📚

Journey 🛣

  • 2023 ...

    AI, Opensource
    [Learning prompt Engineering]
    [Building opensource tool for data management]
    [Maintaining fulltime role as Backend & DevOps]

  • 2022

    AI, Web3
    Working closely with startups around AI and Collaboration Network. Using my existing knwoledge in AI & NLP, I helped developing and integrating end-to-end service which predicts emotion from voice. As one of early user and beta tester of GPT-OpenAI (Since 2020). I spent lot of time playing around experimenting with AI techonologies. Meanwhile I also contributed to startup building an emerging peer to peer professional network as Backend & DevOps engineer. From trying to build bridge between web2 and web3 for next-gen application I pivoted towards AI applications.

  • 2021

    BlockChain, Graph Databases, Zero Downtime, Event Driven Microservice
    Getting chance to work on growing startups with their massive user growth. Scale & Stability becomes primary requirement of startup during this stage. I got to work on implementing zero down time using methods like blue-green and also allowing to test with canary builds. One of my core resposibility was to develop and migrate to Event driven Microservices while leading some features like building recommendation engine service using graph databases. As Tech World was already shifting towards new technologies like blockchain and crypto. I spent decent amount of time learning and experimenting it.

  • 2020

    Python, Elastic Search, Ansible, Kubernetes
    Working in service based startup I got opportunity to work with different startups and people around the world. since every idea has its own tech requirements. I have worked in different languages. Building architecture like master-slave for workload distribution, writing ETL, APIs, cache systems, NLP bots. While taking care of all DevOps resposibilities and developing solid knowledge on IaC and kubernetes.

  • 2019

    Nodejs, MongoDB, Docker, Azure
    While working as intern in DevOps. I was also one of core backend developer in MEAN & MERN stack projects. Writing and integrating APIs, web scraping and scripts. Started building strong knowledge around containerization meanwhile getting my hands on AWS and Azure. Thus, I started my journey tech journey.

  • 2018

    Linux, Administration, Cloud, AWS
    As Industry was shifting towards cloud computing. I used knowledge I had on networking and jumped into cloud computing. I started with taking courses on AWS. Which helped me learn Administration and UNIX eventually made me play around linux. This was the time I actually started loving opensource and its community. Finally I decided to join company as DevOps intern.

  • 2017

    Figma, XD, Networking
    While working part time as designer I shifted my to work towards UI/UX. As I was working closely with industry while studying. I found one interesting domain which was networking. So, I took few courses of CISCO and VMWARE. where I learn how configure and manage network and bare metal virtual machines, switches, routers, firewalls.

  • 2016

    Java, Android, Illustrator, Premier
    As a part of academics. I leaned Java and Android. on personal interest I contributed to couple of mobile applications. To create assets for mobile app I had to spend lot of time creating icons, screns, animation using Illustrator. Meanwhile I also helped creating posters, teaser and brochure for college. I was also working as part time designer in a startup.

  • 2015

    C++ Shell
    After spending lot of time working with all these different tools and programs. It developed my interest into computers. I chose it as my career path. The very first things I got to learn was language like C, C++ and basic shell scripting along with all software engineering knowledge.

  • 2013-2014

    Blender, FL Studio, Ableton Live
    While playing with 2D animation and VFX. It eventually led me to work around 3D animation and asset building. Since every short clip needs audio track which again drove me towards generating some music. I used tools like FL studio and Ableton Live to create samples and music tracks.

  • 2012

    Photoshop, After Effect
    Having interest in drawing, I got my hands creating digital arts. Started photoshop with basic editing to making some short films and animation in after effects. I still feel the same excitement about VFX industry.